Management council
The management of the Tanum rock carvings World Heritage site is carried out through the Management Council, which consists of representatives from three parties:
- The County Administrative Board of Västra Götaland
- The Västra Götaland Region
- Tanum Municipality
In addition, there are also individual parties such as landowners, associations, businesses, and other stakeholders who are practically involved in the management of the World Heritage site.
The three parties of the Management Council are actively involved in the World Heritage site, using their own resources to develop infrastructure, accessibility, and knowledge development. The County Administrative Board and the municipality also have official assignments that are significant for the development of the World Heritage site. The involvement of other parties in the World Heritage site depends on the nature of the activities they represent. However, the Management Council is the unifying portal that always highlights and promotes the overall picture in terms of conservation, use, and harmonious development.
Management Organization
The management organization ensures the implementation of the management plan and ensures that planning and efforts are carried out with extensive participation from the surrounding community. The World Heritage site’s management group consists of the management teams of the County Administrative Board of Västra Götaland, the Västra Götaland Region, and Tanum Municipality. The management group appoints the Management Council for the World Heritage site and decides on the five-year management plan prepared by the council. The management group assigns the Management Council to implement the management plan and is ultimately responsible for the collaboration among the parties in the work of the World Heritage site.